The College of William and Mary in Virginia Graduation Exercises Program. Class of 1927.
7/12/2021 08:49:00 AMThis is the program for the commencement exercises for William and Mary College, 1927. The William & Mary Digital Archive has scanned and published the yearbook for 1927 with accompanying student photos which may be downloaded at this link.
William and Mary 1927
William and Mary Finals 1927
The Senior Class
of the
College of William and Mary in Virginia
requests the honor of your presence at their
Graduation Exercises
June sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth
nineteen hundred-twenty-seven
Williamsburg Virginia.
Commencement Program Names:
Dr. O.C.S. WALLACE of Baltimore, MD.
Superintendent G.L.H. JOHNSON of Danville, Va.
Dr. J.C. METCALF from the University of Virginia
The Class of 1927 Officers
Fletcher James BARNES, President
Edward Cotton RAWLS, Vice-President
Mary Maxwell BROCKENBROUGH, Secretary-Treasurer
J. Wilfred LAMBERT, Chaplain
Herbert Lawrence GANTER, Valedictorian
Minor Carl ANDREWS, Poet
Keturah Cofer MYRICK, Historian
The Class of 1927
Reception Committee:
Alfred Scott ANDERSON
Carolyn Marshall RIBBLE
Dudley Payne TERRY
Invitation Committee:
Harry Christilhf SOMERS
Henry BH. FRAZIER, Jr.
Dudley Payne TERRY
Keturah Cofer MYRICK
Class Roll for Scientiae Baccalaureum
Virginia Magill AYERSEdith Llewellyn BAKERCaulton Seay BELLLeonard L. BORNRobert Lafayette BREWERMary Elizabeth BROWNMartha Virginia BUCKVirginia BUNDYMarjorie Estelle CARTERIsla CHAMBLISSSallie Virginia COGLEElizabeth DULIND. Butler DAUGHTREYBessie Virginia HARWOODMinos Francis HASTINGSSusan Mary HESSHarless P. HICKSFlorence Virginia HICKERSONDavid HILLEGASLloyd Quinby HINESMarie Evelyn HOFMEYERSidney HAYMANMarion R. JOYNERBenjamin Franklin LYNCHClaude Harill MARSTONArthur MATSUGrace MILLERMary Florence MORSCHERSamuel Edward NICHOLSONMary Gladys OMOHUNDROJames D. PALMERHarriette R. PATTESONRoy Randolph POWELLEdward Cotton RAWLSSarah Houston RHODESBeulah Lowndes SCOTTAlva Ray SIMMONSCalahill M. SMITHIsadore B. SNYDERRobert Edward Bruce STEWART, Jr.Charles Harrison STICKELZelda SWARTZRussell SWIFTDudley Payne TERRYAlpheus Sitman THOMPSONRuby Cowles THORPERichard Gideon TODDLee Buxton TODDSilas Edgar TAYLOREthel Zelema TOWNSENDNina TREVVETTVirginia Elizabeth WADDELLEdward Long WILSHINAnna WILKENSJohn Thomas YATESJohn Edward ZOLLINGER.
Class Roll for Artium Baccalaureum
Alfred Scott ANDERSONMinor Carl ANDREWSFletcher James BARNESLucy Chappelle BARROWElizabeth Landon BERKLEYFairfax Mackil BERKELEYMargaret Elizabeth BILLUPSNinnie G. BINMOREMargaret Robert BOWENElizabeth Harwood BOYENTONMary Maxwell BROCKENBROUGHMildred Meyer BULLRuth Graham BURTONFrank Osborne BIRDSALLAnthony Blair BRITTONEmily Eleanor CALKINSMarguerite Louise CARDERSue Elder CHASEAlice Violette CLAIBORNECassie Louise CHILDRESSMary E. CHILDRESSNaomi CLEMENTSHenry Oscar COLERobert Wesley CORSTAPHANEYSue Lenering CROOKSMartha E. CURTISMary Catherine DEANEOlga Myra DROZDOVLucille ESTESBessie FLEETHenry B. FRAZIER, Jr.Herbert Lawrence GANTERGeorge Dewey GROVEAnnetta Rives GAWLTNEYMary Fairfax GRIFFITHCaroline HARDYThomas A. HARRISFrances Elizabeth HEALYWilliam Johnson HOGANAnne Lucille HOLLOMANRuth Taylor HOLLOMANMargaret HOLMANFrank Snowden HOPKINSJulia de Loatch HOWARDDorothy HUDSONMary HURTVerna Imogene IVESRosa JACOBSONJames Curtis JENKINSElizabeth Carolyn JOHNSONViolet JOHNSONAlice Gordon KAUFFMANClarence Clifton KERNSPauline Holla LANDISJ. Wilfred LAMBERTJudson LIFSAY
Class Roll for Artium Baccalaureum--Continued
Marguerite McDANIELElsie Lee MASSEYMary Warwick MEARSDouglas Spotswood MITCHELLWilliam H. MORROWKeturah Cofer MYRICKClara Louise MILLEREvelyn Byrd NELSONStella Mary NELSONA. Scott NOBLINGeorge Marion NOLLEYMinnie Rob PHAUPEugenia Herbert PORTLOCKHarold W. RAMSEYFlorence Cabell RICHARDSONFrances Leigh RILEYElla Brookyn ROUZIEston Clyde SAVAGELaura Virginia SHAWENGertrude Emmons SKAGGSBertha Mae THOMPSONAlice O. TREVVETTJames Eliot TRIBLEWilliam M. WEDDELLGenevieve Sehora WHITMANAnna Maril WITHERSJohn W. WESSELLSMary Alma VIARuth Kennon YEAMANSFrances Marguerite YOUNGTheodore Roosevelt ZION
Artium Magister
Margaret Florence BRIDGESThomas William GAYLEMae Douglass MUIRCharlotte SEWARD
Legis Baccalaureum
William Earle BULL