Correspondence letter from a Dizzy Perry to Cadet Campbell, Box 87, N. M. M. I., Roswell, New Mexico
4/23/2021 07:41:00 AMThe doodle on the outside of this letter caught my eye and the writers choice of words turned out to be just as quirky and unique. I have so many questions! Was Dizzy her real name (I doubt it). Was she as entertaining to talk to in person? Had she and Cadet Campbell been an item once? Was 'sawed off hen' a figure of speech and what did it mean? Is the doodle of the smoking man suppose to be a caricature of someone famous? Did she really call Carl Sandburg an old goat? 😆
Transcription after the photos.
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Dear Crack-pot -
Whittle chum - how is yo?
I am over at Taylor's. She is doing a bit of alright now.
School is still goin' and Ray is still goin' mad and broke, too. You'll never guess what happened to me today! Carl Sandburg was in town to lecture at the college. We went last week to hear him and he never did show up. But the old goat finally came this time and Edgie,"Marble-Eyes", Arnold ran to the door and put her loving arm around him. You remember that sawed off hen out at the store, don't you? She calls him "Carl" and acts like he's her long lost love. Him with the bangs. Edgie told me she had called the pitcher takin man and that when he came I could be in the picture. Big thrill. So I took my hair down - which I had washed a full 30 minutes before - so I could look beautiful. HaHa. Sopping wet. But I still looked beautiful. I tried to make them let me sit on his knee and run through his hair, barefoot! Awkward, isn't it? But they insisted that cheeze cake and leg art were a little out of Mr. Sanburg's line. They finally took the picture - with us girls of the store practically holding "grandpa" up.
Oh, yes, and a near tragedy happened. Do you remember that goony (?) ring you gave me last summer? Well, I've been wearing it cause I like it - which is a dern good reason. Well Mr. Sanburg's lecture last night was so breathtaking that between yawns, a dame down the line asked if she could see it - so I gayly pass it down. Purty soon she dropped it and I could hear it toll and roll and roll. We looked for it afterward - but to no avail. I suffered for awhile - I could not live - that symbol of our be-u-tiful friendship - gone - for ever - and I didn't even have a pawn ticket to show that it had done me any good! That beautiful token of our past infatuation, my present platonic status, and our future broom bustin's. I couldn't stood it! Then I saw the silver lining - I would gold dig you for another one - but hell fire - some damn dame showed up with it. Life is useless. I'm gonna have to join the WAC's.
Exams start Tues, Ouch! Got some good newz - for ya!! You needn't commit suicide. You still have another chance! Jane's marriage was annulled - you know! You still have a chance -
Well, I've got to go home chow! So long Keed!
-Dizzy Perry
P.S. Elinor hates waw. My sons hate waw.